Washington DC, USA: Trump Government on Tuesday 1st September said that they will not be the part of International Cooperative effort to develop and distribute COVID-19 vaccine because they do not want to be controlled with the groups like – WHO as they claim that WHO is influenced by the China and needs reforms . This decision is followed by White House’s decision in July to draw United States out from the WHO. There are around 150 countries which are setting up the COVID-19 vaccine on the Global Access Facility which linked with WHO. As per WHO the government those who are making deals with the individual vaccine makers will be getting benefits as it will provide backup vaccines if in case the bilateral deals did not get successful. White House Spokesperson Judd Deere said, “The United States will continue to engage our international partners to ensure we defeat this virus, but we will not be constrained by multilateral organization influenced by the corrupt WHO and China.” Bera, a doctor tweeted “Joining COVAX is a simple measure to guarantee U.S. access to a vaccine- no matter who develops it first.” According to Tom Hart, North America director at The One Campaign, co-founded by Bono of the rock band U2 says that the decision of the U.S. Government to not get paired with the WHO tells that U.S. is disrespecting America’s global leadership in the Pandemic times. AstraZeneca announced that on Monday the vaccine candidate has entered the final testing in the US. According to The Cambridge which is an England based company says that there are around 30,000 adults which are being involved from different racial, ethnic and geographical groups. Moreover, two more vaccine candidates in US began final testing this summer in which one was created by the National Institutes of Health and other by Pfizer Inc.

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Washington DC, USA:

Trump Government on Tuesday 1st September said that they will not be the part of International Cooperative effort to develop and distribute COVID-19 vaccine because they do not want to be controlled with the groups like – WHO as they claim that WHO is influenced by the China and needs reforms . This decision is followed by White House’s decision in July to draw United States out from the WHO.

There are around 150 countries which are setting up the COVID-19 vaccine on the Global Access Facility which linked with WHO. As per WHO the government those who are making deals with the individual vaccine makers will be getting benefits as it will provide backup vaccines if in case the bilateral deals did not get successful.

White House Spokesperson Judd Deere said, “The United States will continue to engage our international partners to ensure we defeat this virus, but we will not be constrained by multilateral organization influenced by the corrupt WHO and China.”

Bera, a doctor tweeted “Joining COVAX is a simple measure to guarantee U.S. access to a vaccine- no matter who develops it first.” According to Tom Hart, North America director at The One Campaign, co-founded by Bono of the rock band U2 says that the decision of the U.S. Government to not get paired with the WHO tells that U.S. is disrespecting America’s global leadership in the Pandemic times. AstraZeneca announced that on Monday the vaccine candidate has entered the final testing in the US.

According to The Cambridge which is an England based company says that there are around 30,000 adults which are being involved from different racial, ethnic and geographical groups. Moreover, two more vaccine candidates in US began final testing this summer in which one was created by the National Institutes of Health and other by Pfizer Inc.

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