Russia has released first batch of COVID-19 vaccine for public

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Moscow, Russia:

Since very long time, all countries are doing their best to release the most wanted vaccine for COVID-19. But for the first time Russia has released its first indigenous batch of COVID-19 vaccine called Sputnik-V.

According to the reports of Russian Health Ministry, civil circulation and the supplies of medication to the Russian regions will be providing soon.

On August 11 by the assistance of Gamaleya National Research Centre of Epidemiology and Microbiology and the Russian direct investment fund. The Russian Health Ministry has enrolled the first vaccine against COVID-19.

The ministry’s report further said that the delivery of the first batch of the COVID-19 vaccine to the country’s regions is planned in the nearest future.

The Russian Health Minister Mikhail Murashko has confirmed that, “The vaccine against COVID-19 will be starts the clinical prosecutions among the volunteers. On the other side Moscow Mayor Sergey Sobyanin conveyed expectations that maximum number of Russian residents will be vaccinated against COVID-19 in few months.”

“The clinical trials of Sputnik-V vaccine will start from this month in India,” CEO of the Russian Direct investment Fund Kirill Dmitriev has announced on Monday. In addition, Russia had said that at least 20 countries, including the UAE, Saudi Arabia, Indonesia, Philippines, Mexico, Brazil and India, have expressed their interest in obtaining the vaccine following registration.

Russian Defence Minister Sergie Shoigu has received a dosage of vaccine and now he feels better.

“I feel quite all right. I have neither run a high temperature nor experienced any other side effects. I advise everyone to undergo vaccination.”

According the Health Ministry, the transportation of the first batch of Russia vaccine will start in the nearest future.

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