Retired- American Air force Officer claims of an alien shot down in 1978 near US Military Base

Major Filler also stated that all the eyewitnesses account of the incident also confirmed the incident to be true. However the question arises why was the incident suppressed?

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Washington, US:

Retired ex- American Air Force officer Major George Filler has claimed that an alien was shot down in the year 1978 near US Military base. An interview in this respect is accounted in the book named “Strange Craft: The True Story of an Air Force Intelligence Officer’s Life with UFOs” written by journalist John L. Guerra. The interview was taken by John and he clearly stated in the book that during Major Filler’s reign as a Senior Officer in the Air force these Aliens associated incidents were common.

According to Sputnik Website Major Filler disclosed, on 18th January 1978 when Major was developing an intelligence report a Senior Major Sergeant came running and panting with a pale face and informed that at Fort Dicks which is at the Maguire Air force runway an alien has been shot by a bullet. On being asked upon by the Major if the alien came from a different country the Sergeant replied it came from Space. The Sergeant also added that the alien’s UFO started flying to and fro in a strange manner. The alien was shot by a police officer while his surveillance tour. He saw a thin grey-brownish coloured creature which supposedly didn’t belong to earth. The police officer asked it to stop but on being refused he shot him dead.

Retired Major George Filler.

The alien’s corpse was brought to Ohio based Right Patterson Air force base. Major Filler said that on being inquired, all the eyewitnesses account of the incident also confirmed it to be true. Later when Major tried to record this incident he was denied by the government. Major filler has also been a part of the non-governmental project on aliens which includes the Military and NASA scientists.

In August the US Defence Ministry made a task force with a purpose of inspecting the truth of Alien Space Ship or UFO incidents. Now when American Defence Secretary Mark Esper met Japanese Defence secretary they signed a pact according to which both the countries will jointly investigate the old incidents and search and study for the Alien UFO’s and Space ships , and will investigate similar episodes so that the universe’s history and present comes to be known.

But the question arise that instead of appointing a task force now why didn’t the government allowed Major Filler to record the alien’s death  then despite of suppressing it. Did the government feared from the repercussions or the very existence of this incident has some hidden layered truths.

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