Indian-American Girl Anika Chebloru, Discovers Potential COVID-19 Treatment

Anika Chebrolu, an eighth grader in Frisco, Texas, won 25,000 USD after winning the 3M Young Scientist Challenge, considered as the US’ premier middle school science competition, for drug discovery using in-silico methodology to find a molecule that can selectively bind to the Spike protein of SARS-CoV-2 virus in an attempt to find a cure for the coronavirus pandemic.

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Washington, USA:

When the world silently awaits a cure for the coronavirus, while some are still inclined on faith, others have given up. This is where, Anika, 14 shines comes as a silver lining at the time of pandemic.

Anika Chebrolu’s discovery uses in-silico methodology to discover a lead molecule that can selectively bind to the spike protein of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. She told ABC News, “I developed this molecule that can bind to a certain protein on the SARS-CoV-2 virus. This protein by binding to it will stop the function of the protein.”

In an interview, Anika told to CNN that she had submitted her project when she was in Class 8 and that it wasn’t always going to be focused on finding a cure for Covid-19. She previously decided to go for the Young Scientist Challenge as she was motivated to find a cure for influenza after suffering through the same last year. However, her plans took a different turn after coronavirus started turning post-apocalyptic science fiction into nearly true stories.

“After spending so much time researching pandemics, viruses and drug discovery, it was crazy to think that I was actually living through something like this,” Anika told CNN.

As the 3M Young Scientist winner said, “Because of the immense severity of the Covid-19 pandemic and the drastic impact it had made on the world in such a short time, I, with the help of my mentor, changed directions to target the SARS-CoV-2 virus.”

Anika Chebrolu used in-silico methodology for drug discovery to find a molecule that can selectively bind to the Spike protein of the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

Anika said the stories about the people who were suffering through the current pandemic kept her moving. She also said that in 15 years, she hopes to be a medical researcher and professor.

“My effort to find a lead compound to bind to the spike protein of the SARS-CoV-2 virus this summer may appear to be a drop in the ocean, but still adds to all these efforts…how I develop this molecule further with the help of virologists and drug development specialists will determine the success of these efforts,” she added.

“Her work was comprehensive and examined numerous databases. She also developed an understanding of the innovation process and is a masterful communicator. Her willingness to use her time and talent to help make the world a better place gives us all hope,” said Dr Cindy Moss, one of the judges for the young scientist competition.

As one among the ten finalists, she worked with 3M Corporate Scientist Dr. Mahfuza Ali, who mentored Chebrolu closely throughout the summer. Dr. Ali helped Chebrolu perfect her innovation through the scientific method.

They transformed her idea from concept to reality. She presented her project to a judging panel of scientists and leaders where each finalist was evaluated on a series of challenges and the presentation of their completed innovation.

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