India China Confrontation: Recent Satellite Images Of LAC Depict Wobbly Ball Game

In a recent imaging acquired by a media organisation, suggests that allegations laid by China of Indian Army crossing LAC may not be true to life at all.

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Galwan Valley, Ladakh / Pangong Tso, India:

In recent news report of a leading news organisation by reporter Ankit Sharma and Colonel Vinayak Bhatt (Retd.), the latest imagery of the India China LAC after preventive operational action by the Indian Army was released.

The initial high-resolution satellite images of the Indian-china LAC at the southern bank of Pangong lake depicts an exceedingly unsteady situation at the Line of Actual Control (LAC). The latest images recommend the Chinese allegations about Indian Army’s crossing the LAC may not have any accordance with life at all.

The images show no indication of occupancy of the Helmet Top Mountain’s peak by both the forces. However they do show a group of Chinese military vehicles and camouflaged tents at the bottom of the mountain. Tracks of which pave way to the empty Helmet top are seen leading from the Chinese side.

These images were taken by the Worldwide satellites of Maxar Technologies on 7th September. The Chinese army appears to have evacuated some of the rigdgeline positions at the northern bank of the lake.

In latest images the spots earlier seen occupied by the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) now are empty.

Earlier the PLA emptied the shores of finger four areas but continued building the infrastructure between fifth and eight fingers whose fifth finger’s shore was later informed to possess a mix of more than 20 armour protected vehicles and heavy military vehicles, additional Chinese tents and camouflaged material was also visible on finger five’s shores.

The PLA’s western theatre command earlier issued a statement accusing the Indian armed forces of crossing the LAC. To which the Indian army replied by releasing a statement which refused Chinese statement and said “at no stage has the Indian Army transgressed across the LAC or resorted to use of any aggressive means, including firing”.


All the images were published by India Today.

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