“Good Bye Mother, You Can Rest Now…” Palestine Man Bid Adieu To His Mother

“I sat helplessly behind the outside window of the intensive care room, watching her last moments,” said Al-Suwaiti who lost his mother due to COVID-19.

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Hebron, Palestine: A 73 year old mother Rasmi Suwaiti, who was diagnosed with COVID-19 and was undergoing through the treatment, got a glimpse of her son.

She was quarantined in the hospital when her son climbed-up the window of the hospital to see her.  The 30 year old, Jihad Al-Suwaiti, her son would wait by the window every night to watch his mother.

His mother was suffering from Leukemia when she was tested COVID-19 positive. She was admitted to the Hebron State Hospital and was treated for five days until she took her last breath.

The incident was captured from a town of Beit Awa, Palestine. Al-Suwaiti scaled the high walls of the hospital and sat on a very narrow place outside the window of Intensive Care Unit (ICU) to see his dying mother due to COVID-19 pandemic.

The heart wrenching image of Al-Suwaiti, sitting outside the window has made the internet to shed tears for the loss of their loved one. According to the French daily, Al-Suwaiti breached all the restrictions to climb the hospital and wished to see her one last time.

The Arabic Post quoted Al-Suwaiti, “I sat helplessly behind the outside window of the intensive care room, watching her last moments.”

The son was informed about his mother’s worsening condition, he tried to enter her hospital room but was denied to enter. So he climbed the wall and sat by the window to bid her a “Final Goodbye.”

Coronavirus has taken 615,819 lives worldwide and counting, nearly 15,967,917 confirmed cases were reported worldwide.


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