China to face serious repercussions on termination of projects by India

The Indian government on the other hand has also decided cancellation of projects with China.

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New Delhi: Martyring of soldiers in the Galwan Valley is a burning issue in the country which has outraged a protest to boycott Chinese products in India. Videos are emerging from various regions where people are destroying the Chinese goods and calling out for boycott is taking over the internet these days. The Indian government on the other hand has also decided cancellation of projects with China.

Indian Government is undergoing plans of increasing import and excise duties over more than 300 Chinese products including consideration of imposing trade barriers between the nations. The Indian press reports of the State-run Indian telecoms will be banning use of Chinese equipments and may cut Huawei Technologies and ZTE ZTCOY in up gradation of 4G network of India.

Railway Ministry of India is set to cancel the “mega-contract” of signaling system with China Railway system and Communication Corp. The 2016, China had won Rs. 500 crore Freight corridor contract which involved designing, supplying, constructing, testing and signaling communication signals and other related works. Chinese company on being asked to submit the

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