Chennai Schoolboy Stole Mobile Phone For Online Classes, Kind Police Officer Buys Him A New One

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Chennai, Tamil Nadu:

A heart-warming incident came up from Chennai where a 13 year old school going boy snatched a mobile phone from his neighbourhood.

The committed the crime with two of his helpers to fulfil his dire need for education amid the coronavirus lockdown.

The case turned out to be the story of longing for education and helplessness of the boy, as his father works in a biscuit shop and mother works as a domestic helper. His parents couldn’t afford the mobile phone.

During the pandemic the schools have digitalised their classes and students are using phones to attend the classes.

Fortunately the case was reported to a local police officer S Bhuvaneshwari. Officer S Bhuvaneshwari felt the need of the boy and bought him a new mobile phone for his online classes and he let the boy go with a warning.

S Bhuvaneshwari said, “Punishing him could have turned his life upside down.”

When the entire world has digitalised, India is a country where 25 per cent people are still living with digital divide problems.


We extol and thank the kind decision taken by officer S Bhuvaneshwari for the boy.

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