ISRO launches radar imaging satellite PSLV-C49 on November 7, making the first launch of the year

ISRO makes the first launch of the year with a radar imaging satellite in the PSLV series. The launch is scheduled on November 7 at 3:02 pm from SDSC in Sriharikota. India also plans for the launch of nine other customer satellites.

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Shriharikota, India 

The Indian Space Research Organisation on Friday, has previously informed that India is all set for the launch of earth observation satellite,EOS-01 along with nine international customer satellite onboard launch vehicle PSLV-C49, the ‘workhorse of ISRO’. 

As ISRO’s latest announcement on Twitter reads, the PSLV rocket will be launched from the Satish Dhawan Space Centre (SDSC) in Sriharikota on Saturday around 3:02 pm. The launch will be first for the year.

.ISRO PSLV C49 Launch On Saturday At 3:02 pm. India's EOS-01, 9 Other Satellites To Launch

The workhorse of ISRO, has been a massive success and has aided multiple delicate missions to their completion, so far, including driving satellites into the various orbital levels of the space.

The space agency also informed that Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle’s primary payload EOS-01, formerly named RISAT-2BR2 is an earth observation satellite that has been designed for applications in the fields of agriculture, forestry and disaster management support. 

Earth Observation Satellite also called Earth remote Sensing Satellite is a satellite used or designed for Earth’s observation from orbit. It includes spy satellites and the ones not intended for military use such as environmental monitoring, meteorology, cartography and others. 

ISRO, along with the PSLV-C49 plans to launch nine more customer satellites. Four each from the US and Luxembourg and the rest from Lithuania. 

As per the information of the present mission issued by ISRO,PSLV-C49 is a four-state rocket and is 44.5 m in total height. The two earth storable liquid engines are assigned in the uppermost stage of the rocket. 

The rocket uses the Hydroxyl-terminated polybutadiene (HTPB) as propellant. The overall weight of PSLV-C49 is known to be 320 tonnes.

As ISRO’s records suggest,India operated and monitored the largest constellation of remote sensing satellites. 

The data obtained from these satellites then finds the use in agriculture, environment and disaster management, water resources and more. 


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