High Rise in Viral Load in Asymptomatic COVID-19 Patients

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Hyderabad, India:

In a recent study in Telangana it has been found that over 200 patients with SAR-CoV-2 virus are asymptomatic. According to Indian scientists there is a higher percentage of association between asymptomatic COVID-19 cases.

Satyajit Rath from National Institute of Immunology, (New Delhi) told PTI that, “other studies as the author note, report an association the other way round, if at all.” Increase in viral loads in asymptomatic individuals made him surprised.

Also, according to the researchers of Centre for DNA Fingerprinting and Diagnostics (CDFD) from Hyderabad advised to test asymptomatic patient’s primary and secondary contact which is followed by surveillances.

Murli Dharan Bashyam, from CDFD’s Laboratory of Molecular Oncology said to PTI that, “It is important to consider the possibility of infection from asymptomatic patients presumably harbouring good immunity, spreading into individuals possessing not so immunity leading to increased morbidity and mortality.”

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