80% COVID-19 suffer from Vitamin D deficiency; Have a look at suggested diet sources by experts

Vitamin D also known as ‘sunshine vitamin’ assists many bodily functions and its insufficiency may lead to weak bones, heart-related ailments, low immunity and even respiratory problems. It’s been found that 80% of the covid-19 patients suffer from vitamin d deficiency.

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New Delhi, India:

In a new study it has been discovered that over 80% COVID-19 patients are suffering from vitamin D deficiency. Vitamin D assists many bodily functions and its insufficiency may cause weakened bones, heart-related ailments, low immunity and even respiratory problems.

Health experts are raising worries over the growing cases of vitamin D deficiency in general population as people are staying at home and are not able to obtain the ‘sunshine vitamin’ from natural sunlight. The study was published in ‘The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism’, which found 80 percent of 216 COVID-19 patients admitted in a hospital in Spain to be vitamin D-deficient. The researchers also observed that men had lower vitamin D levels than women.

Jose L. Hernandez, co-author, Ph.D., of the University of Cantabria in Santander, Spain wrote, “Vitamin D-deficient COVID-19 patients had a greater prevalence of hypertension and cardiovascular diseases, raised serum ferritin and troponin levels, as well as a longer length of hospital stay. We did not find any relationship between vitamin D concentrations or vitamin deficiency and the severity of the disease.”

Another latest study published in journal called ‘Plos One’ claimed that sufficiency of vitamin D may reduce the requirement in COVID-19 patients and accelerates the treatment process.

Sufficiency of vitamin D is important for health. The rich diet sources for vitamin D are:

Dairy Products –

Everyday diet for daily vitamin D fix should necessarily include milk, cheese and other dairy products.

Cereals and Juices –

Including cereals and different fruit juices in our morning diet is also a source of vitamin D.

Eggs Yolks –

Egg yolk is often thrown out fearing high fat content , but they also contain decent quantities of vitamin D.

Fatty Fish –

A good amount of vitamin D content is found in fatty fish such as tuna, salmon and mackerel and fish liver oils.

Mushrooms –

Mushrooms offer a good amount of vitamin D2 nutrient and can be used differently to make meals for breakfast, lunch, dinner and even snacks.

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