270 Whales Stranded, 25 Whales Feared To Be Dead In Australia’s Tasmania

Over 200 Pilot whales were seen cropping up on Australia's beach.

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Sydney Australia:

This is a time in when whales are usually seen in huge numbers on the sea. A Marine Biologist had planned to protect 270 whales as they are stuck on a sandbar on the far west coast of the Australian island of Tasmania.

The information was provided by some government scientist that there have been at least 25 animals on the sea previously known as pilot whales.  It is believed that these pilot whales are from the species of marine dolphins.  These whales are at least 7 meters (23 feet) long and weight up to three tons.

A supervisor for Tasmania park and wildlife service Nic  Deka gave the statement saying, “While strandings are not uncommon in Tasmania, and while strandings of this scale aren’t (unprecedented), we certainly haven’t had one for at least 10 years.”

Further information was provided from the Tasmania Department of Primary Industries, Park Water and Environment that the three teams of whales were stranded in water at Macquarie heads. On the other side some of the whales has been seen in Northwest of the state capital in Hobart. They are from 200 kilometres far from them.

The Rescuers were called on Monday’s afternoon with the special equipment. The rescuers were scheduled to regroup on the shore of the island to further discuss the strategy.

The officials usually take two to three weeks to respond on the situations of the stranded whales.

Before that the government scientists were guessing around 70 whales were stranded but when aerial view became more clear with closer inspection, a large quantity of the whales was observed.

According to some reports, in 2009, nearly 200 whales died after beaching themselves and in 2018 more than 100 pilot whales died after breaching themselves off the cost of New Zealand.

A Whale Researcher and Project Manager of Whales and Climate at Griffith University, Olaf Meynecke told Reuters in a bite, “Their social groups and strong bonding between the groups causes often all of them to strand.”

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